4 min readJul 21, 2022


Halloween is a holiday that has been celebrated by many Christians, but it has gotten mixed reviews from the church. Does Halloween have any connection to the Bible? Is it a sin? Let’s take a look at what Halloween means in the Bible and whether or not you should celebrate this holiday.
In this article, I hope to address and debunk some common myths about Halloween . I’ll look at what the Bible has to say about it, and offer some alternatives to celebrating the holiday or their Halloween house decor.

What is The True Meaning of Halloween?

The true meaning of Halloween is a Christian holiday. Most Christians would agree that Halloween is a time to worship God and honor our dead. However, there are some who think that it’s a time for the devil to have his way with us.
The Bible does not specifically say anything about Halloween, but many believe that Satan has used this day to get people away from God and make them more open to his influence. For example, when you dress up as one thing or another and pretend like it’s not yourself — you’re being deceived by Satan into thinking he can control you or make you do whatever he wants if he just puts on some makeup and wears an outfit with horns or fangs on it. But the truth is that no one can change who we really are: we were made in God’s image so He knows exactly how we look! At any rate though…

What Does The Bible Say About Halloween?

Halloween is a pagan holiday, not a Christian one. The Bible does not say that we are to celebrate Halloween or any other pagan holiday.
What does the Bible say about Halloween?
Here’s what you need to know about this topic:

What Does Halloween Mean In The Bible

Halloween is a pagan holiday. The word Halloween comes from Hallowe’en, which is a contraction of All Hallows’ Evening. This is the evening before All Saints Day (1 November) and All Souls Day (2 November). These two days are known as the “Feast of All Saints” and “All Souls”. They were initially introduced in 835 by Pope Gregory IV to commemorate all Christian martyrs who had died up until that date. The Catholic Church later adopted them as holidays to honour saints, who were believed to be more numerous than those honoured on other days because it was difficult to find space for their names in the calendar!

Biblical Verses About Halloween

From a biblical perspective, Halloween is a sin. It is not a celebration of the dead but rather a celebration of evil and witchcraft. It is said that Halloween was started by Christians who wanted to take back what had been stolen from them by pagans. The Bible clearly states in 2 Corinthians 6:14–17 that we should not be as “Pagans” who do not know God and walk according to their own lusts and desires.
In 1 Corinthians 10:20–21 it says “But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils.” This passage clearly shows us that any form of religious activities associated with Satan or other evil spirits are sinful in God’s eyes because these things give glory to them rather than glorifying Him alone (Matthew 6:24).

Is Halloween A Sin? Why Christians Don’t Celebrate Halloween

Is Halloween a sin?
No, it isn’t. Christians don’t celebrate Halloween because they believe that:
The Christian faith doesn’t support the celebration of pagan holidays or anything that is associated with them. In the Bible, God told his people not to allow their children to participate in these kinds of practices (Exodus 23:13–17; Deuteronomy 12:29–32).
Witches have nothing to do with Halloween. The word “witch” was used by some people as an insult for women who practiced magic and tried to harm other people through spells. Some witches even believed that they could use black magic on Halloween night and cast spells against their enemies! This is why many Christians avoid celebrating this holiday because they think it might lead us towards witchcraft and sorcery which are considered sins according to God’s Word (Galatians 5:19–21).
Death has nothing to do with this day either since everyone should be celebrating life instead of death because Jesus Christ rose from death on Easter Sunday morning so there shouldn’t be any fear associated with this day (John 11:25–26).

Is It A Sin To Celebrate Halloween? — Christian Halloween Ideas

Halloween is a pagan festival. That is true. Halloween, however, is also a Christian holiday celebrated on November 1st.
Halloween is typically thought of as being a secular festival, but it’s actually a Catholic holiday that honors the saints and martyrs of the Church.
This is interesting because Halloween used to be about honoring witches and demons until Catholics took over the celebration and turned it into what you see today: an evening dedicated to praying for the dead by dressing up like them!

Halloween Bible Bingo

Halloween is a Christian holiday, but it can also be celebrated as a Jewish, Muslim or Hindu holiday. It’s not an atheist holiday because there are no atheists. The only way to know for sure that you’re celebrating Halloween in the right way is by doing what you’re told by people who have more power than you do.

We have now covered everything you need to know about Halloween in the Bible and whether or not it is a sin. As we have seen, there are both pros and cons to celebrating this holiday. However, if someone wants to celebrate Halloween and they understand all of its significance, then there is nothing wrong with that.

Takeaway: Halloween has grown into a multi-billion dollar industry but what does it really mean? Let’s investigate together!

